Sunday, April 3, 2011


I find I am at my best when I am eating every three hours.  With that said, I am eating PROTEIN every three hours... not just anything within arms reach.

I still don't tolerate breakfast well, so food first thing in the morning is not my norm.  I have my coffee with protein in the morning followed by a snack between 9 and 10 usually.  Weekends are difficult to do every three hours because I am out and about and doing things so it's rare I get everything in my system food wise that needs to be there!

This morning my cats got me up fairly early so I was ready for snack about 10:00 am.  Today was one small container of 0% fat Fage Greek Yogurt, 2 packets of sweetener, two dashes of cinnamon and almost half of the most amazing mango.

This mango was SOOOO ripe when I bought it on Friday and it was just bursting to be peeled and eaten this morning.  I mix the Truvia, cinnamon and mango in the yogurt and eat.  Occasionally I will also add a handful of high protein granola or cereal from Kashi (Go Lean line) or Bear Naked but today it was just the mango and I.

Snacking doesn't have to be an off limits thing!! It has such negative connotations because usually when we are snacking we aren't mindfully eating.  Just make it something good and good for you and it's a great thing to help you meet your daily intake goals.

1 comment:

  1. I just logged on to your site here via my facebook and MM. Probably should read your profile before I go asking questions time for that right now. I will catch up later with the details on ya!
    How far out are you and what did you have done?? I just read a tiny bit about your eating I am not going to lecture (don't you hate people that do that?) but I see some similiarities (sp?) in the way I eat! I am not, and have never been a breakfast person so...I drink my coffee with my yummy flavored creamer and then eat a snack around 9-10am also. Usually is protein peanut butter balls, banana with PB rolled in homemade granola (lately my fave!. Sometimes if I am feeling like I have eaten horrible...I will have a protein shake.
    Well, just thought I would say HI! Glad to have met you. I will log on later, add ya to my peeps to read up on and if you are on FB I can catch ya there! Was going to try blogging myself but really need someone to "push" me!
    See ya around soon,
