Sunday, April 3, 2011

If I fail to plan, I can plan on failing...

I like to make sure my ducks are all in a row on Sunday for the following week.  What does that mean?  Well that means I have five cartons of Fage in my fridge, and five bananas sitting on my counter ready to go to work with me tomorrow.  I know I still have peanut butter left for the week and my lunch is packed in the fridge.  I have meat marinading, thawing and simmering for dinners... so I take as much guesswork out of my food as possible.

This DOES NOT mean I don't eat well or spontaneously make stuff.  I have two chicken breasts in the fridge that I have no idea what to do with yet, but I know they will be dinner two nights and maybe leftovers for lunch!

I got the idea to get one of these Bento boxes from the Eggface blog. It helps me plan ahead and portion control.    Tomorrow's lunch....
Clockwise from upper left is some Parmesan herb sun chips, carrots with pine nut hummus, fresh sliced mango and my favorite way EVER to eat tuna... mixed with cottage cheese instead of mayo.  It also has sweet red pepper, onion, lemon pepper and garlic with a couple sprinkles of cayenne!! YUMMM

I don't normally eat chips of any kind, so although I pack and plan on consuming these lovely chips, the reality is when lunch comes around tomorrow I may eat three or four and then be done.  In fact, I am thinking I may just crush some up and sprinkle on the tuna for a kick. If I eat more than that they would be the last thing I consume in that box.  Mango will be "dessert" if I have room at all.  If I can't eat it I'll save it at work in a container and mix it in my Fage on Tuesday!

What are YOU eating?

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